Thursday, September 15, 2016

Low Iodine Diet - Day 9 (also Day 8 part 2)

I had a long, cranky day yesterday. Busting it for the man, trying to get stuff done.  I ate basically the same combo of foods as Day 7 and 6 because it's all I had and needed to hit the grocery store.

Which leads me to today.  Here's what I ate today:

oats with raisins brown sugar and cinnamon

nothing. oops

side garden salad from Harvey's with my homemade white wine vingarette

half a cucumber

To be honest I shared the cucumber with my dog lol.  I bought a cantaloupe but didn't cut it up yet.  Heading to the grocery store shortly for evening pickup of provisions for the rest of this diet. 5 more days. Soooo doable.  Just annoying when I ran out of variety around day 6 and didn't have time to get to the store until today.

Packing continues tonight! and into the weekend.  Moving in 18 days. YIKES!!! Accomplished some big wins at work this week which will ease my entire schedule up to basically nadda while I'm getting my RAI treatment.  Winning all the way around!

Honey says we'll go out for proper celebration after we get moved to this Brazilian Steakhouse we've heard about.  Unlimited meats and eats served on spits and brought to your table to be shaved right onto your plate. um YES PLEASE!!!!

Lots happening all at once and today my energy was high! I started out with a headache but 2 Tylenol cured that sucker.  According to the scale I was UP 4 lbs today but my waistline and jeans say the opposite.  I feel SOOOO de bloated. It's kinda crazy. My mother commented on my belly shrinkage as well.

So much win! I totally got this.


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