Monday, September 26, 2016

RAI Isolation at Home

So I've been home since Friday.  It is now Monday afternoon and I have 2 nights left in isolation.  MAN am I bored! LOL!!!

Today I built a wooden replica of the Seattle Space Needle for crying out loud.... hahahahahahha. The last two days I did movie marathons. I also spent most of my day today catching up on some work related emails, phone calls, etc. 

Today's bonus was I got to leave isolation and go back to the hospital for my full body scan.  Here's how it works:

They gave me a glass of water to drink down.  Then I laid on a skinny little table thing (looked like an ironing board) and attached little sides so my arms would have a place to lay.  Then they took 6 individual photos of my body, starting at my head and going all the way down to my knees.  Each photo took 10 minutes to complete so I had to stay perfectly still for 10 minute increments - no easy feat! But I did it and they didn't have to repeat any of them. 

The full body scan will show them where the radioactive iodine went in my body and also if there is any remaining thyroid tissue left in me.  I will get the results went I see my endocrinologist in 2.5 weeks.

Honey has been amazing and bringing me meals and snacks.  He pops in to visit alot and my parents have popped in alot too. 

I am REALLY looking forward to this being over and if you could see my calendar for Wednesday and Thursday this week you would appreciate how busy I'm going to be.  Basically I will be flat out for the next few weeks between work and moving.  Thank goodness we hired movers!

I'm feeling totally fine today.  I had a headache mid afternoon but Tylenol licked that pretty fast.  My throat is still a tiny bit sore to touch but nothing that is really bothering me or anything.  I'm still a little cold all the time but definitely not freezing like I've been in the past 3 weeks. I think being on the Cytomel 12.5mcg 2x a day PLUS Levothyroxine 150mcg 1x a day is really rebooting my system faster than just being on one or the other.  6 weeks like this then just the Levothyroxine after that (forever).

Thank you to everyone who has been following my blog.  I plan on continuing with the trials and tribulations of day to day and will update on my health as it comes up.  I hope I was able to give someone out there some insight on what the experience is like or could be like and for everyone else (friends and family) I'm glad I was able to keep you all informed.


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